Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I got a job!

I am employed! And it is about time because my bank account is looking pretty meager.

I am working at a company called 2evolve which does fundraising for NGOs like Amnesty International, UNHCR (the Refugee Fund), and some other great organizations. So even though it's a call center, it's pretty legit and I can definitely put it on my resume when I get home (something I was not quite expecting to be able to do with the job I got here). Megan got the job at the bar and is looking for another job...she's interviewing at 2evolve today which she is totally going to get. Then Emmy, Megan and I will all work together.

So now we are all employed which is a fantastic feeling. I have never been so relieved.

The charges went through on Kelsey's card so now we can see where the perp spent all of her money. Half of the charges were for taxis. He opened a $300 bar tab. And spent another $500 at none other than good ol' Ed Hardy. Go figure. Hopefully between all the places he spent money, some security camera will have a clear picture of him.

I think I'm going to go lay out now....rough life, I know.

Oh and if you get the chance - you should wish Erin Dose a happy 26th birthday!!!!

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