Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yesterday was Megan and my first day of work at the call center. It was kind of stressful and I am never going to be mean to a telemarketer again (even though I am a telefundraiser, not a telemarketer). But the day went by pretty quick, plus we get 10 minute breaks every hour. So in a 6 hour shift, we get an hour break. Pretty bomb. Brigid also started work at Sydney Water trying to sell the entire city water conservation products.

We had a fairly productive weekend in Sydney. Since Brig had to bartend on Saturday and Sunday nights, the rest of us went out in the city both nights. Sunday was also the NRL Final (Rugby League...not that it matters, but it was broadcasted live in the US for the first time this year on Spike and most likely at 3 am). It made us nostalgic for CU game days because there was drunk rugby fans getting rowdy at 9 am for a 5 pm game. For those who are curious: Melbourne beat Parramatta.

Erin Healy (Megan's friend from CU) is coming to visit us on Thursday and is staying for 2 weeks. We are pretty stoked to have a visitor! Plus, Megan's 23rd Birthday is on Saturday....so hopefully, with our first paychecks in the bank, we can afford a bitchin night out in Sydney. The other four CU girls who are currently living in Bondi are moving into the apartment across the hall from us tomorrow. This is going to be a big week.

We are already over this whole "working" thing and want to start our travel plans for greater Australia/Southeast Asia. Any suggestions? Please comment! I want this to become a more interactive blog.


  1. i cannot believe you just used "bitchin" in a serious sentence. W. T. F.

  2. I can't believe you are over the whole "working thing"! Mom

  3. go skydiving in mission beach! you get to do it over the great barrier reef - it's amazing. did you guys figure out how you're getting up the cost? and definitely do an overnight trip to the great barrier reef. sailing on the whitsundays. fraser island in 4x4s. those are the main things i can think right off the top of my head that you girls should do in oz.

    i obv have millions of suggestions for southeast asia but we'll get to that later.

    miss you!!!!! xooxoxoxoxo
