Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brig and I
Kelsey and Megan checkin out the view

Me and Emmy!
All of the girls. Back Row: Erin, Emmy, Natalya, Me. Front Row: Belen, Taryn, Megan, Brigid, Kelsey

Brigid, Taryn, Erin, Megan and Kels

I keep getting beef from you people via my facebook wall about my lack of blog updates. But we do not have internet at our house and so when I go to internet cafe I only have about 2 hours to do all the things I want to do online (aka - check facebook, my e-mail, perezhilton, and download the new episodes of HIMYM (How I met Your Mother)). So you can see how my scarce internet time does not lend to me updating my blog every day. But I am taking a vow from this moment on to do better and to fill you in on the things I'm doing on a more regular basis.

Megan's birthday was Saturday night so we had an appetizer party with all 9 girls at our apartment. Kelsey and Brigid slaved away in the Kitchen all day, while Erin and I took Megan out shopping to keep her away from the apartment so they could decorate and cook. We had spinach artichoke dip, bacon wrapped dates, bruchetta (or as Ted Mosby would say.....some Bruchett with fresh motzerell). Pretty awesome. We all pitched in to get her an iPod shuffle because she lost her iPod long ago. She was pretty excited about that. After eating A LOT and drinking some chapmagne, we headed into the city. However, due to our advanced age....we only made it out until 12:30. But overall, the night was really fun.

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