Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sorry that it's been a while since my last update. Cortney has been bragging to me about how many more posts she has....but the thing is, I don't have internet at my house. So every time we want to get online we have to go to a cafe because Australians don't understand what the big deal is about the internet.

We worked our first full 40 hour week and it was actually kind of awesome....that is after we got paid on Friday. Plus, since all 4 of us are now on the same schedule, it's kind of really fun at work. The other upside of our work is the swag we have been getting. Our company does personalized stuff for little kids (like books, toys, towels, labels, pretty much anything you could dream of as a child) and any time things get messed up and the people send it back.....we can take it. So far, Brig has gotten a Searlett (supposed to be Scarlett) towel, I have Laruen and Makaylla, and Kelsey has scored a Pheobe cutlery set and mug.

Yesterday, Brigid and Megan had to work, so me and Kelsey bbq-ed with the other girls and guys. I tried Kangaroo. It was actually not that bad....but it was tough for me to eat because I kept thinking about what I was eating. That's also why I couldn't try whale when I was in Norway. They're just too cute to eat.

Otherwise, I don't have much of an update. Halloween is next weekend, which is making us really miss Boulder because it's not really a holiday here. We will obviously dress up anyway - so any costume ideas would be great. Especially if it would work for 4 people.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mal, We are being the desperate housewives at work.

    Let me know what you end up doing.

