Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Job

The call center was a pretty shitty I've moved on to a new venue called "data entry". Although this transition was not necessarily voluntary (yes, I got fired from the call center for not meeting my targets....sorry $42 a month is a lot to ask of people and everyone said 'no' to me), I am thankful.

I was in the midst of jobhunting yesterday, while Brigid was simultaneously quitting her job at the call center she was working at, when I received a phone call from a woman saying "you start tomorrow at 8:30, bring your friend Brigid with you....we have two positions to fill". That was one of the greatest phone calls I have ever received. It's a pretty stress-free position (which is about as opposite as possible from having to call a bunch of angry Aussies who are sick of you asking for more f-ing money) but it is full time which I'm probably not going to love. But I guess I need to get used to it because apparently that's what I'm going to have to do from here on out.

Cortney Kesselman has officially moved to Chile and began her own blog (cough, cough, copycat, cough, cough) and has taken to her forum to challenge me to a blog-off. So Coney - if you're reading this.....know that it is on. (

We are working hard for the internet at our house but our landlord, SP (remember him?) doesn't understand the concept of Wi-Fi so the 8 of us are taking matters into our own hands. However, we had a set back yesterday when the "phone jack" in our apartment turned out to be something that is completely not a phone jack....

Oh - and I'm hearing some nasty rumors that the Hawkeyes are good at football this year? Is this true? What is going on with the Buffs or Cyclones??? Or the Bears??? Update me! I'm not in the loop over here - I have no internet and 5 channels on the TV.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hahaha Mallory I love you, thanks for inspiring me to move south adn start a blog. lol and if it wasnt a phone jack, can you please tell me what it was? i miss u girrrrl. keep the updates coming.

    ps- at least ur tv is english. hulu doesnt work here... basically, itunes has a monopoly and is officially robbing me blind.

  3. As of Sat (before game time on 10/10) Colorado was 1 win / 3 losses.
    They are ranked 5th out of 6 in North Big 12. They are just ahead of Iowa State. Go Buffs!

    Yes, Iowa is ranked 3rd in Big 10 (before game time). They did win Sat.
    I haven't heard how the Buffalos did Sat. They played Texas.

    Next Sat is the game Kansas v. Buffalos and Kansas is leading Big 12. Hmmm I think we all know how the outcome is going to go.

    Love you, Mom

  4. And Mal, seriously, clean up the language.

  5. yes, australians prefer proper language. the rude language will not do!

  6. That is the strangest call I have ever heard of in my life but extremely good news for you and Brig... so congrats on the new job... again! :-)

    As for football... sadly, yes the Hawkeyes are doing alright, sadly (again) Iowa State is not however we're 3 games away from a bowl game, maybe... buuuut the rest of our season doesn't look too promising. But we're still in our "building years" (as we have been saying for the past 4 years). NBD

    p.s. I told my family what you're doing over there, job-wise, and they said, well she should be great at that, she loves talking! haha... I think it was meant in a good way.

    Love the pics too!! Miss you!
