Friday, September 25, 2009

I don't have much to post about....but I feel like it's time for an update.

We watched the news all day on the day of the dust storm and found out that it is not a normal occurrence, like we had originally believed. Apparently, this only happens once every 70 years. I kind of just thought it was a weird sunrise and since it was 6 am, we were too lazy to get up and take pictures (which I'm pretty pissed about). But about 8 different news channels said that it was like waking up on Mars. So I guess I'll just take their word for it.

We discovered a RedBox to rent movies from. Which was great because otherwise we were going to have to pay a $50 membership fee to the video store in town...something I was not prepared to do. So we rented New In Town last night. Good flick. (Did I just blog about a movie we rented? We really need to get lives.)

Brigid has her trial run as a bartender tonight and Kelsey had a trial run as a waitress during the day. So hopefully they both get those jobs so they can support me while I go on not having a job. But I have heard back from a few hopefully something works out.

We also learned the joy that is $2 steak night on Wednesdays and $1 burgers on Thursdays. So we will be regulars at those places.

I forgot to write about the class we had to take for 6 hours one day last week. It's called the RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) and you have to take the class in order to work in the food or bar industry here. We spent 6 hours learning about how to tell if someone is intoxicated. It's called we went to college. We got it. But they have a big drinking problem here and are taking strides to control it (let's hope the US doesn't jump on this trend). They have drastically increased the price of alcohol (a 30 rack of beer costs $40 - at home it costs $15) and made some other laws that bars now have to follow (like kicking people out if they show 2 of the 4 signs of intoxication). I'm not sure it's working though because we're getting down to the Rugby League finals and I haven't seen a sober fan yet.

We are planning some activities for the week - so expect better posts/pictures to come. I know, you're totally excited, huh?


  1. SO excited!! good luck to brig and kels!!!!

  2. In the states you have to take those classes too! the movies are great for them!

  3. idk how to have a profile! but that was from the don diva! lol
