Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Finally in Sydney

After 20 hours travel time...we finally made it to Sydney.  At the airport, Kelsey got her bag sniffed by drug dogs who found chicken sandwiches and she had to go through the Quarantine line and have both of her bags searched.  When security realized she wasn't trying to smuggle in any drugs, or farm animal products, they let her through.  Each of us, with our purses, carry-on back packs, and two 50 pounds suitcases had to hop on the train and head to down town Sydney where our hostel is located.  We made a bit of a scene...especially considering it was 8 in the morning and everyone was heading to work.  

We decided we should drop off our stuff and head straight to IEP's (the program we went through) office to figure out what to do now.  We go there right before they started orientation, which was fantastic because now we don't have to do that on Wednesday.  At orientation, we got our cell phones and sim cards and set up house showings for the next day (two in Bondi Beach and one in Coogee).  We then stopped at the bank and got our accounts set up and debit cards.  It's amazing: I have to go to the other side of the globe to be productive.  Everything we did in our first day here would have taken a few weeks at home.  

At 5 pm we got back to the hostel and showered for the first time in a couple days.  We had every intention of going out for a drink and forcing ourselves to stay awake until at least 9, but decided to watch an episode of Gossip Girl and go to bed at 7.  Now I'm up at 6:30 am writing this entry.  

Today should be another big day, hopefully we like one of the three houses because he said we might be able to move on Thursday.  

You know you love me,
XOXO Gossip Girl

1 comment:

  1. Ahh it all sounds amazing! You are being productive over there... as opposed to here. jk jk love you! :-) But I thought of you last night b/c I watched the Hannah Montana movie and it rocked. Holy cow... and I even cried at the end... it's a tear jerker. I loved the Hoedown Throw down part, it was great. But good luck with the house... How exciting! Miss you lots!!
    Love, Jenni
