Friday, September 11, 2009

Coogee Beach

WE FOUND A PLACE TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is one block away from the beach. I repeat: one block away from the beach. And it's pretty cheap. But it's pretty gross....which is not exactly unusual after four years of college (especially our house sophomore year with 6 girls). Kelsey is convinced that the guy who owns the apartment building is a Saudi Prince who has too much money and is bored which is why we're getting it for so cheap. I feel like if that actually were the case we would be getting it for free.

We can't move into our place until Monday, so until then we are staying in a room of a different apartment in the same building. It's definitely going to be nice when we have our own place and we aren't trying to fit 8 suitcases into a very small space.

Yesterday we went all over Sydney. We hit up the Opera house then walked to Darling Harbor. Not shitting you....we walked like 10 miles. In flip flops (actually, they're called thongs. And apparently you sound like a tool is you call them "flip flops"). The funniest moment of our day came when we were trying to find the Aquarium. So ya know how at bus stops and ferry stops are named according to the area you are in. For example: if you are getting off the bus near town hall the stop will be called "Town Hall". Well, we were for some reason convinced we had to take a ferry to get to the aquarium, so we sat down at the "Aquarium" ferry stop where we waited for a half hour only to have the captain of the ferry tell us that the aquarium was the building behind us. It was pretty embarrassing. But the aquarium was pretty sick and we saw a lot of sharks.

Again, we had every intention of making it out and again, we did not. We have not gone out at night yet. Today, we went for a long run and now we're going to lay out at the beach for a while and then definitely go out to the bars later. I need some liquid courage to talk to these hot Aussie men. jk. kind of.

Right now, I'm in an internet cafe, so I can't post any pictures...but I'll bring my computer back with me tomorrow to do so.

I do have some new slang though. First of all, everyone says "cheers". For everything. You say "thank you" for someone serving you a drink, they'll say "cheers". You say "excuse me" when you're in someone's way, they say "cheers". It's kind of awesome...I'm gonna try to bring that back with me. What else? "Fair dinkum" means you're a chill person. It's the best compliment you can give an Aussie (because they are actually the most carefree, happy people in the world). "Esky" is cooler. They put an extra vowel on abbreviated words. So a bottle shop (liquor store) is a "bottle-o". A relative is a "relio". vego is a vegitarian. I'll think of more later.

I'm sure I'll have better stories after tonight. I wish you were all here with me!


  1. hahahahha, i'm glad you're learning the slang quickly. are you saying far out yet? because you will be...soon.

  2. Um sounds like lots of fun Mal! Sorry yesterday my computer wouldnt let me send stuff back to you:-( dunno why. But keep updating and putting pictures cause its fun to hear about! Glad you found a place to live and sounds like you are settling in, have you found work???

  3. Love catching up on your travels, didn't know you had a blog! I am reliving my days in Ireland through you right now, so many similarities! Cheers!
