Saturday, September 26, 2009

Trouble in Paradise

Well, we have run into our first real problem.

On Friday night we went out (for our 3rd time since being here). We started out in Bondi, then came back to Coogee and went out at the hotel right by our house. It was a pretty fun night....nothing too wild. The next afternoon, Kelsey and Brigid realized that they were missing some of their credit cards. Megan and I went out to get dinner and stopped by the internet cafe to check up on the girls' accounts. Kelsey's checking account said zero. Someone had pick-pocketed the girls and went on a wild shopping spree. They spent all of the money in Kelsey's checking account and charged some on Brigid's credit card.

What is most surprising is that our experience so far is that people are pretty strict in stores about checking the signature and I'm not really sure how the person got away with it.

We have a pretty good idea of who it is (or at least we think we can narrow it down) and hopefully when the charges go through and show the places the money was spent, we can check security tapes and figure it out. And hopefully the banks will reimburse them for all their lost money. The girls went to the police station today to file a report, so hopefully he is caught soon.

But the good news is that both Brigid and Kelsey got the jobs at the Palace Hotel in Coogee about two blocks from our house! Megan has a trial run at a bar in Sydney on Tuesday and I have an interview in the city on Tuesday also. So hopefully we are all employed soon!


  1. OMG gurrrrrrrl!! What the heck!! thats so horrible! I'm sorry girls!!! Thats so rude, who would do that??? wow, i hope you guys get all your money back and the po po catch those crooks!

  2. PS- i think the important questions need to be asked here.... like whyyyyyy r u not going out more?!?! wtf

  3. First- I am very sorry to hear about the pick pocketing. I really hope that everything works out. There is very little violent crime in Australia but definitely petty crime needs to be watched out for. I had my purse and very expensive professional camera stolen when I was living in the dorms.
    Second- Good Luck with the job hunt. Mike mentioned to me today that he got a call from someone for a reference. That would be really cool if you could get a "real" job there that you could put on your resume.
