Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dust Storm/Red Sky

I woke up at 6 am and looked out my window and saw a red sky. Kelsey and I's window was open and our room was covered in a thin sheet of dust. Apparently, we are in the middle of a "dust storm". I'm not sure if this is normal....but from what I hear, the weather is acting crazy everywhere today. 103 degrees with rolling blackouts in Danville and it's snowing in Boulder. I think it's safe to say we can blame El Nino.

Things are looking up on the job front. Brigid has a trial run as a bartender on Saturday night. She's pretty nervous - but I feel like it might be easier to bartend here than in the US. All they have is beer, which we know how to pour, and pre-made mixed drinks. So it ain't no thang. And we might be packing boxes of wine for 17 dollars an hour for a couple days. I think this is a sign of more things to come.

Otherwise, I don't have much of an update. I think we're going to stay inside today....the wind is crazy.


  1. The dust storm looks crazy! I saw more pics of the storm on yahoo.. I'm glad you guys are having luck on the job front!

    love ya!


  2. Mall!! I creeped on matt's fb to see you had a blog...this, i will live vicariously through you guys, good luck with the job and man searching..i feel in time they will both come..ok keep posting so i can keep stalking you guys!!!xoxo

