Sunday, September 20, 2009

Still no job

Update: We still don't have jobs. We've been looking and haven't had any luck. But today is Monday and I'm giving myself until Friday to get one because that is when I run out of money.

We haven't really found any attractive men. We have found a bunch of 19 year olds. I now appreciate the 21 year old drinking age because then the minimum age at bars is much more appropriate for us. We went out on Saturday night and I chatted up three sophomores in of whom was a spitting image of McLovin'. Hopefully when we find jobs, we make friends with people our own age and kill two birds with one stone.

And our final issue at the moment: we met our neighbors across the hall. They are two Irish men. One of them says, "how are you guys living here? It's so gross. We couldn't even deal with it so we found a new place to live." Let's just think about how depressing this is. First of all, they are guys and second, they're Irish and even they think our apartment is uninhabitable. We had started to convince ourselves it wasn't that bad until we had this conversation.

So thinks are looking gloomy in the lives of Mallory, Brigid, Megan and Kelsey.... but I guess we can't complain too much because we still have beautiful scenery.


  1. um HELLO! Stop complaining-- you might be living in a shitty apartment, but its a shitty apartment in AUSTRALIA! lol im jealin right now

    i miss u beezies soooooo much! i believe in, i know you can get a job! what r u gonna do if you dont get a job by friday??

    ps- i love your blog and the updates!! keep em coming!

    pps- haha i bet those college sophs thought they were so cool for chattin up you cougars

  2. Go to Wollongong...cheaper to live and much much better looking guys that are your age...the college town is key.
