Monday, September 14, 2009

More Productivity

G'day mates!

I'm not sure what is going on....but I am a new woman. I have accomplished more in the week I have been here than I ever did in a week at home. I hope I keep up this work ethic for the rest of my life. Oh, and I haven't been napping either. Kind of a metaphorical 180 for being on the other side of the world....not sure if that made any sense, but you know what I'm saying.

Yesterday, we were able to move into our place (no more sharing with random people!). We then hit up K Mart and got a bunch of cleaning supplies and scrubbed the sh** out of that place. Then we made ANOTHER trip to a grocery store and stocked up. We have more food at our house now then I ever did at school. We also fixed our resumes and sent them out to a bunch of places (still no job...but I'm making a solid effort).

We are also only one week in and already have some landlord drama. The other night we went out to the Coogee Bay Hotel (C to the B to the H as we locals call it) and our landlord, the Saudi Prince (SP as he will further be referred to), was there. We weren't really talking to him but we did start talking to these Irish blokes....who turned out to be the boys living in our apartment who SP evicted. SP got mad at us, the Irish guys tried to turn us against SP, and we basically got put in the middle of something that has nothing to do with us. The next day was rather awkward seeing as though the Irish guys were in the apartment above us and SP was in the apartment below us. Luckily the Irish guys are gone and SP told us he wanted to "start fresh" (something I personally didn't understand considering we didn't do anything). I think part of the reason this even became an issue is that SP is only 24 and doesn't quite get how to be a good businessman yet. Not that I'm one to give any insight since I am only 22.

Today is a little again we're trying to send out some resumes and try to find some work. I'm running short on the funds - so I need a job stat. Ok, I'm gonna find one. Right now!

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