Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Years

New Years was fan-freaking-tastic.  Brigid's family was in town and took us out to eat at the Four Seasons in downtown Sydney.  It was so awesome of them and probably one of the best meals I have ever had.  After dinner, we walked right outside the hotel so we could see the fireworks.  Now, Sydney goes all out with their shit on New Years because they are the first people in the world to enter the new year.  Apparently they spent something like 10 million dollars on the fireworks display.  They had fireworks going off the bridge, by the Opera House and off all of the skyscrapers downtown.  

After the show ended, thousands of people were filling the streets walking away from the fireworks.  There wasn't really any option but to join them.  We ended up walking to the other side of the city and found a bar with a cheap cover.  It was a dive Irish pub, which was great because all of the clubs would be so crowded and obnoxious.  We ended up dancing until 5 am to tunes such as Nelly - "hot in herr" and Salt N Peppa "shoop".  All in all, it was a great night.  The next day kind of sucked, but it was totally worth it.

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