Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Alright, so many things to catch up on...

Christmas was quite the experience.  I have never not had snow during the holidays so having it during the summer was pretty cool.  It was also nice because it didn't feel like it should be Christmas, so we weren't all that homesick.  But we all were actually sick.  Well, not everyone, but I was.  And Emmy.  And so was Megan.

On the 23rd, we had our company BBQ, which was pretty fun.  We got to drink during the work day....something I'm not sure goes down in the US but it was pretty funny to be drinking beers at our desk.  Later that night, we went to the bar down the street and received an order of free muscles.  This is the same bar that served human feces in ice cream a few years of course we decided that eating free food from them was a good idea.  The next day, Kelsey and Megan were at work and Brigid and I were at the beach.  Early in the afternoon, I told Brig I was feeling nauseous and needed to go home.  So as we're walking home, I had to stop about 10 times because I thought I was going to barf.  Finally, we got back to our apartment and rather than making it up two flights of stairs, I projectile vomited in the stairwell on the bottom floor.  Luckily, all the annoying people who live in our apartments were sitting in view and got quite the show.  It did suck to clean up though.

The rest of Christmas Eve was spent throwing up every half hour or so.  Christmas Day was not much better.  I was finally able to keep down food and water.....but Emmy and Megan joined in our misery.   But other than the food poisoning, we exchanged gifts and had a great day.

After returning to work, we found out that roughly 30 other people in the company were equally as sick...some even had to go to the hospital.  So it wasn't the muscles, it was our work bbq.  

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