Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ok, I get it. I suck at blogging. I'm sorry.

But (I've said it once and I'll say it again) now that we're old women, we don't do much. Once we start traveling, I'm sure I'll have more interesting things to say.

Kelsey turned 23 yesterday. We went out in Sydney on Friday night where we were all called "Sepos" (a derogatory term for Americans.....yanks, tanks, septic tanks, sepos....apparently that's the connection). We've had a plan to change Australian's view of Americans while we are here....apparently it didn't work on the guy who called us that. Saturday and Sunday were our first sunny days in a while, so we definitely hit up the beach. Don't worry though, we used SPF. Australia is missing it's ozone layer.

Kelsey's parents and brother got to town yesterday as well, so we had a big cookout at the house they are renting for the week. Kangaroo was definitely on the menu. I'm amazed they were able to stay awake until 11 pm because the day we arrived in Sydney we were asleep by 6 pm.

Our biggest concern right now is trying to extend our visa. We have to leave the country to do so....but we're running out of time and flights are getting sort of expensive. We should have just gotten a 12 month visa to begin with.

Ok, that's about all I've got. What have you guys been up to??


  1. BTW...although the guy at the bar may have been a wanker...Seppo is actually considered an endearing term. That's just the Australian sense of humor for you. If the Australians you are hanging out with don't love Americans you need to find new Australians because that is certainly not the norm. Also you are better off embracing the Australian sense of humor about American then trying to change it. That is definitely not going to happen! Hope you are doing well and good luck with the VISA thing.

  2. Mal you are killing me. I know I know you are busy and have no internet but I don't think you realize how I check this thing twice a day waiting for updates. (Yes I have no life). Love you
