Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ok, I get it. I suck at blogging. I'm sorry.

But (I've said it once and I'll say it again) now that we're old women, we don't do much. Once we start traveling, I'm sure I'll have more interesting things to say.

Kelsey turned 23 yesterday. We went out in Sydney on Friday night where we were all called "Sepos" (a derogatory term for Americans.....yanks, tanks, septic tanks, sepos....apparently that's the connection). We've had a plan to change Australian's view of Americans while we are here....apparently it didn't work on the guy who called us that. Saturday and Sunday were our first sunny days in a while, so we definitely hit up the beach. Don't worry though, we used SPF. Australia is missing it's ozone layer.

Kelsey's parents and brother got to town yesterday as well, so we had a big cookout at the house they are renting for the week. Kangaroo was definitely on the menu. I'm amazed they were able to stay awake until 11 pm because the day we arrived in Sydney we were asleep by 6 pm.

Our biggest concern right now is trying to extend our visa. We have to leave the country to do so....but we're running out of time and flights are getting sort of expensive. We should have just gotten a 12 month visa to begin with.

Ok, that's about all I've got. What have you guys been up to??

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First of all, let me apologize for my severe lack of posting recently. I actually have no been on the internet for a week and a half (except being able to check my e-mail at work). This is the longest I have ever been without and I'm just as upset about this as you are. What's sad is that I really don't have much to catch anyone up on....but I guess there's a few things.

Halloween was this past weekend and it was pretty fun. It's not really a big holiday here, but there were quite a few people dressed up anyways. We decided that the easiest thing to do was to repeat our costume from last year and be the 3 blind mice. We went to a pool bar in Sydney and I felt like I was in Entourage or something.
Yesterday was the Melbourne cup....which is kind of like the Super Bowl of horseraces and the entire country celebrates it. We, unfortunately, had to work (something about responsibility....). But we did bet on horses at work (they call betting a "sweepstake") and got to watch the race on our break and eat a lot of great snack food. My horse, Gallions Reach, lost. Which you totally new was going to happen because a.) the name doesn't make sense and b.) the horse is from New Zealand (those damn kiwis). Our boss ended up winning the big bet (totally rigged). I'm still pretty bitter....there goes $5 I'll never see again. Megan had to bartend after work, so Brig, Kels and I decided to go for a drink at her bar. She works at a place right near Darling Harbour, so we got to see all the girls dressed up wearing big hats and feathers in their hair. It was pretty awesome but we were pissed that we didn't get to join in the festivities. However, yesterday was apparently the hottest November day in 5 years so it was pretty miserable. Especially trying to sleep because our apartment is on the top floor. We are probably going to have to invest in a fan or this summer is going to suck.
That is literally all I have to update you about. We are old women who go to bed early so we can be up by 6 am.
But tomorrow, the 5th is Jenni Braden's 23rd Birthday and the 7th is Trisha Humlick's! Woo!
Ok, I promise I'm trying to get a life so I have more to talk about.